The Ramsey Lab was awarded 307,400 euro from the Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek for project “Biological trait identity: modularity, levels, and adaptation”
The Ramsey Lab was awarded 366,000 euro for the project Plant Agency: Inferring Mental Capacities from Plant Behavior
Alejandro Fábregas-Tejeda was hired as a postdoc starting November 2023 to work on the Trait Identity project.
Upcoming talks
- “Fitness and Variance in Offspring Number” Submitted conference talk. Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, New Orleans, LA, November 16, 2024.
Hot off the press
- download-icon Eronen, M. I. and Ramsey, G. (forthcoming) “What are the ‘levels’ in levels of selection?” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. DOI: 10.1086/718990
- Durand, P. and Ramsey, G. (forthcoming) “Conceptual Foundations of Cell Mortality” in J. M. Hardwick and P. Durand (eds.) The New Era of Microbial Cell Death Springer.
- download-icon Fábregas-Tejeda, A. and Ramsey, G. (2024) “Driftability and niche construction” Synthese 204: 162. DOI: 10.1007/s11229-024-04815-5
- download-icon Ramsey, G. and Villegas, C. (2024). “Developmental Channeling and Evolutionary Dappling” Philosophy of Science 91(4): 869-886. DOI: 10.1017/psa.2024.5
- download-icon Aaby, B., Dani, G. and Ramsey, G. (2024). “Explanatory Gaps in Evolutionary Theory” Biology & Philosophy 39: 22. DOI: 10.1007/s10539-024-09957-x
- download-icon Meneganzin, A., Ramsey, G, and DiFrisco, J. (2024). “What is a Trait? Lessons from the Human Chin” Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 343(2): 65-75. DOI: 10.1002/jez.b.23249